My Favourite Places to Buy Printmaking Supplies - Local and Online

In a world where we seem to expect our shopping to be delivered yesterday, finding good art supplies is getting increasingly difficult. I used to be able to pop into town to Edwin Allen’s in Warrington and get anything I needed. If her didn’t have it in, he knew he could find it at a good price and I totally trusted his expertise. Sadly, these specialist shops seem to be dwindling but there are still a few gems on the high street and a few online too.

Read on to find out my favourites.

Online or High Street

In an ideal world, I’d always go into an independent bricks and mortar shop and buy from a real person. I love the personal service, the fact that you can ask their advice and benefit from their knowledge and experience.

It’s not always possible to get to a shop though (made even harder when you get rid of your car!). You don’t have the time or you have other priorities maybe. That’s when you need a good online provider - a place where you get great quality products, great service and great delivery.

Whichever works for you, I have some great suggestions to help you get the supplies you need at good prices while supporting fabulous independent businesses that know what they’re doing.

Jacksons (online)

‘Founded in London in 2000, Jackson’s offers a vast range of art materials to artists from all over the world. ‘

I have used them a number of times and their service is great. The stock a wide range of art materials for all kinds of art projects so they’re a great place to go if you want to explore a new medium.

Handprinted (online)

If you want a print specialist shop then Handprinted is a brilliant resource. They cover all forms of print and a range of grounds from paper to fabric. They stock items to help you with batik, screen printing, Linoprint, etching and more.

Their delivery service is really reliable and everything comes packaged carefully.

Handprinted are not only great for materials and equipment but also for their informative blogs and instructional videos. This is where I learned how to use Ternes Burton pins - a skill that I use loads. They also cover topics such a reduction print, testing your copper sulphate solution and how to use some of their favourite inks.

If you’re new to printmaking or have a specific area that you want to work on, I’d highly recommend giving them a look.

Lateral Art, Morpeth - All around art shop 

Looking around a real shop and being able to pick up and feel the papers, rollers and sketchbooks is always a real treat. Whether I’m window shopping or looking for something specific, I can lose hours in these shops.

Lateral Art in Morpeth is one of those shops. It’s small but perfectly formed and the staff are really friendly. They have all sorts from books, pencils, wash tapes, inks, brayers, Lino (my fav is battleship grey) and they can guide you towards what’ll work best for you.

Details, Newcastle Art Centre - (All around art shop) 

Nestled in the heart of Newcastle between other independent shops and not far from the cathedral, Details is tucked away at the back of Newcastle Arts Centre - a facility for hosting exhibitions, selling original artworks and craft pieces and hosting music session. When you get to Details itself, it sprawls back covering all areas of art. As with Lateral Art, the staff are really well informed and friendly. Their range of sketchbooks is vast and they have soooo many types of paper.

It’s tough to walk into this shop and leave empty handed.

Hello Hooray Haberdashery -(online fabrics specialist)

Fancy printing on fabrics? Nobody knows fabrics and threads better than Claire Albans and the website is a total riot of colour and creativity!

So if you need fabric - she’s your person. She has them in all colours and finishes and can show you how to embellish your prints with fabulous stitches too. Just check out her Happy Stitch Project.

If you want some direct links to my favourite products then sign up below and select workshops ad your interest.


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